Linggo, Disyembre 8, 2013

News from Taizé!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 December 2013

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En regardant au loin (French chant) + Psalm 

Brother Alois 2013: Four Proposals to Uncover the Wellsprings of Trust in God

News from Taizé 

Saturday, 19 October 2013
  • Looking towards August 2015
  • Taizé: The theme group “Towards a new solidarity”
  • Asia: Next steps of the pilgrimage of trust
  • Latin America: upcoming gatherings
  • Strasbourg: preparations for the European Meeting
  • Huelva: an experience of solidarity in southern Spain
  • An evening of meeting and prayer
  • Calendar
  • Prayer

Looking towards August 2015

As brother Alois announced two years ago, in 2015 the Taizé Community will be celebrating a triple anniversary: 100 years since brother Roger’s birth, 75 years since his arrival in Taizé and 10 years since his death. By placing the theme of “new solidarity” at the heart of the international meetings both in Taizé and across the world, the Community intends to celebrate by turning towards the future. This News by Email looks at aspects of this theme.

Taizé: The theme group “Towards a new solidarity”

One option for the participants in the summer youth meetings was to reflect together on brother Alois’ “Letter 2012-2015”. The aim was not only to share ideas and experiences but also to prepare a workshop at the end of the week for the other young people present at Taizé. The group was often enriched by the contributions of visitors at Taizé for a few days.

Asia: Next steps of the pilgrimage of trust

In 2013 we are looking with particular attention towards Asia. Brother Alois, with other brothers of the community, is presently visiting several Asian countries. After travelling in China and North Korea, he will be leading youth meetings first in Seoul and Busan (South Korea) on 28 October and 1 November, then in Vasai and Mumbai (India), on 5 and 6 November. During this journey, brother Alois and other brothers will participate in the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches held in Busan from 30 October to 8 November.

Latin America: upcoming gatherings

In 2014, after the meetings in Africa in 2012 and in Asia this year, attention will turn to Latin America. One international meeting will be held in Mexico City in May, and another in the Dominican Republic in October. Two long-stay volunteers at Taizé will soon be going to meet with Mexicans all over the country. Marianna, a young Mexican, writes, “I go regularly to visit the communities of an ethnic minority in southern Mexico. I have discovered so many facets of solidarity. In relationship with those who are poorer than we are it is not for us to become ‘saviours’, but rather to discover, together with them, what they can undertake to improve their own situation. The key is to respect them and understand the ways they have of solving problems. Sometimes the real need is simply for encouragement, motivation and comfort. In their poverty, they are often richer in some ways than others.

Strasbourg: preparations for the European Meeting

The European Meeting will be held 28 December to 1 January, and from mid-September a team has been in Strasbourg working towards it. They are visiting the Christian communities of all denominations which will be welcoming the participants in December. Many Christians in Strasbourg are involved in action for social solidarity. The university chaplaincy has begun an action to support students living in poverty.

Huelva: an experience of solidarity in southern Spain

Pierre, a French volunteer at Taizé, wrote this report after he and another volunteer lived for a while in the south of Spain: “We had an amazing experience for a month in Isla Cristina, a small town of 20,000 inhabitants. Huelva is the Spanish province with the lowest standard of living, the highest unemployment and with record school drop-out rates. And what were we there to do — two young volunteers from Italy and France, and a Spanish brother of the Community? We simply wanted to offer some time in order to share the lives of those who live at the southern tip of Europe ...”

An evening of meeting and prayer

On the Taizé website there is a page with suggestions for a meeting held in small groups and an evening prayer. A theme for one such evening could be “immigrants, so near and yet often so far away”.


  • France: After the large gathering « Protestants en fête » in Paris and the night of prayer in Lyon during the « Estates-General of Christianity », brothers of Taizé will be involved in one more large Christian event this year, les Semaines Sociales de France. From 22 to 24 November they will be leading community prayers at Lyon-Villeurbanne during the pauses in other programmed events.


Jesus, you came from God, not in order to impose anything, but to give your life out of love for human beings. So the law of the strongest does not have the final word, and you bequeath us a new solidarity. And our life begins to flourish when we live for those whom God entrusts to us.
Taizé website:

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