Huwebes, Disyembre 26, 2013


“From Strength to Strength: Enter the King of Glory”

December 22, 2013

The 4th Sunday of the Christian Season of Advent

Isaiah 7: 10 – 17/Psalm 24/Romans 1: 1 – 7/Matthew 1: 18 - 25

His Excellency
The Most Reverend Ariel Cornelio P. Santos D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop and Locum Tenens
of the 
Archdiocese of Manila
National Church in the Philippines 
and the 
Territorial Church of Asia

International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

We come to the Fourth and last Sunday of Advent.  It is time for us to lift up our heads to our soon coming King because our salvation draws near. Looking at the Advent wreath, it teaches us that we are on a journey.  Our goal is to reach the fullness of faith, hope, joy, and love.  Then, we will be ready to receive our King and our Savior.  Understand that we are on a journey.  God is in the midst of us, leading us, and taking us to the place where He wants us to be as He has promised.
The readings today are very interesting.  All talk about how that Jesus is fully God, fully Man.  We hear of theological debates of the humanity of Christ and the deity of Christ.  I believe that most of these debates miss the point.  Why is Jesus God and man at the same time?   To prove that He was God, for the sake of proving it, you can put verses of Scriptures; and to prove that He is man using Scriptures and finishing there, it doesn’t really bring out the fullness of the reason.  Why is He God and why is He man? 
In the fall of man, he needed somebody to save him.  Only God could save man, but it would be illegal for God to do that alone.  There were legal requirements that needed to be satisfied and that it had to be satisfied by man.  This is why Jesus assumed humanity so that He could be one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man. The Creed says, “For us and for our salvation, He came down from heaven.”  This is the reason why He is fully God and fully man.
Is He just fully man, like us, with the same human DNA, same physical characteristics and features.  The meaning of wholly, fully and one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man is not just about physical and physiological make-up.  It is about character. 
Christ is fully God because the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him, but He is fully man to show us what God created in the beginning – the perfect, very good creation called man who ceased being man.  First Adam ceased; a second Adam had to come to restore that and thus, bring us our salvation. Christ is perfect man – seamless, obedient, and faithful.  He is God because He is God.  He is one hundred percent God because the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him. He is one hundred percent man because He is fully like God. This is what perfect man is:  like God. 
This is our journey – fullness of faith, hope, joy and love.  If we have achieved that then, we are ready for the coming of Christ.  Then, we will be like Him.
Ephesians 4 says that our goal, as His Body, is to attain to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.  We are all going there; we are all getting there.  Because that is God’s will, He is taking us there and making sure that happens. Jesus was born, as the Christmas carol says, “That man no more may die."  John 3:16 is the reason God sent Him so that whoever believes in Him would have salvation.  He made us perfect again.  He made us very good again and made us born again from above.
We are on a journey. The Orthodox paradox is that we already have been perfected, and yet, we are being perfected.  Those virtues have all been provided for us, achieved on our behalf by Christ on the cross; and yet, we are still in the process of getting to the fullness of them.  Already there but still progressing to get there and still continuing to grow.
It is like a mystery, just like the Sacraments.  Sacramentum tremendum, the great mystery, is only accepted by faith and no other way.  We don’t totally understand it; we don’t see it with our eyes; but because we have heard it with our ears, our hearts believe it.
I would want to echo the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians, “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was lay hold off by Christ Jesus.”   He is saying, “I press on towards that for which Christ already has given and attained for me.”  What is the use of pressing on toward that which is already given and provided for?  This is the mystery.  It has been given to us and yet we live according to that which has been attained for us.  “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet.  But one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind, reaching forward to what lies ahead.”
We sang this verse, “Awake, Awake O Zion. Clothed yourself with strength.”  It has been given to you.  It is a matter of us putting it on – strength.  “Shake off your dust.”  We have been made perfect, and yet, we are still attaining to perfection. In the meantime, we will still see weaknesses.  We will still see sin.  People will still offend us. We will still offend people, and we, sometimes, may still feel guilty for the sins for what we have done and the mistakes that we have committed.  “Shake them off! For you have been redeemed.”  Have been is finished, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus!  This is for all of us.  Stop being guilty and stop holding sins of others against yourself and shake off the dust.
St. Paul is saying, “One thing I do, forgetting what lies behind.  Reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”   As a Church, we need to hear this.  We need to move on.
Brother, sisters, hear me!  Move on!  Let us press on toward the goal out there.  Fix your eyes on Him for you have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.  Nothing else matters.  We have been perfected, but realize we are still trying to get there.  Understand that there are still imperfections, but we are to just shake them off and fix our eyes on Him and press toward that goal for the prize of the upward call of God, in Christ Jesus.
“Let us therefore, as many are perfect.”  We might think that this guy is double minded.  He is saying, “I am not perfect yet, but all of us who are perfect, you who are like me perfect...”  Already, but going there.  “As many as perfect, have this attitude.”  Understand that we have been perfected, but understanding that our goal is to reach that perfection because we are still on a journey toward it at the same time.
 “If in anything, you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you. However, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.”   We have attained the fullness of these virtues because Christ did it for us; but St. Paul says, “Let us keep that standard.”   You have been called to be holy.  You have been made holy.  What is the command?  Walk accordingly.  Because you have been saved, walk your salvation.
 “Brethren, join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.”  Already there, but still getting there.  This is the design of God. Is it any wonder?  It is because God Himself is a mystery!  We say, “Emmanuel,” which translated is “God with us.”  We say, “I thought He is in heaven?  Our Father who is in heaven?”  He is in two places both at the same time.  He who can be in two places at one time can put us in two stages at one time.  He has made us perfect, and yet, He has put us here where we are still moving toward perfection – both in the state of perfection and in the state of growth.  We are not in one place more than the other.  We are in both places.
Just like our being CEC, in three streams.  In the Convergence of three streams – are we one third liturgical and one third evangelical and one third charismatic?  No, we are all of each.  We are one hundred percent fully, wholly liturgical; and we are one hundred percent charismatic; and we are one hundred percent evangelical.  We are one hundred percent flesh, and we are one hundred percent spirit.  It is not a half–half.  It is a mystery.  How is that?  Ask God!  We accept it by faith.  Meantime, we strive together for the faith of the gospel
In college, one of my spiritual mentors was a walking Concordance.  I don’t remember any Scripture that I would quote that he could not give me the chapter and the verse.  He was good.  I asked him, “How do you know that you are saved? How do you know that when you are babbling something, that is speaking in tongues?”  How do you know the Holy Spirit is in you?”  He simply said, “It is all by faith.”   Thirty years later, I realized Romans 14 confirms that, “Whatever is not from faith is sin and should not have anything to do with you.”  Whatever we do must be out of faith, by faith.  Everything we accept must be by faith.
Romans 1 talk about obedience by faith. We have used this term “blind obedience.”  I have and you have; we have tried to justify it.  What is the definition of faith?  Faith is not seeing yet believing.  Jesus said, “Blessed is he who does not see and yet believe.”  What is your basis of faith if you don’t see?  What will you believe in the first place?”  You have to know what to believe, which is why you have to hear the Word of God.
Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing.  How can they believe in Him whom they have not heard?  The greatness of faith is seen in the obedience despite the price.  Taking Joseph first as an example, Joseph receive news that his betroth, Mary, was with a child. In those days, that means engagement, which was as good as married.  Shortly, they were going to be married and they were called husband and wife.  This is why Mary was called his wife. He found out that he was with a child, and so, because of his understanding, of the reason that he sees, Joseph is determined in his heart to put her away secretly or divorce her until the angels spoke to him. The angel said, “The child is of the Holy Spirit.”  He is convinced but it doesn’t end there.
What did his friends asked him?  How come your wife is pregnant?  He says, “Because the Holy Spirit impregnated her.”  I have no problem with that.  Do you?  “The Holy Spirit impregnating a woman?  Where is that in the Bible?  What did she feed you?  Are you sure about this Mary?”   Doubts would set in, Joseph stood her ground.  Imagine the ramifications of believing the Word of God through the angel?  Joseph says, “Mary, my wife, is pregnant, but I haven’t touch her. It must be God.”  He believed it and lived with it.  The whole time probably, the people were thinking, “This is the guy that believed the impossible.”
What about Abraham? Abraham was told by God, “Through your seed, I will fill the earth.”  At ninety years old, God fulfills His promise by granting him a son.  You could imagine the joy of Abraham and Sarah, but when the son approach his teens, God says to Abraham, “Now, I want you to offer your son as a sacrifice to me.”  He was old when the child was conceived, and now, God tells him to sacrifice his son to Him.  Abraham obeys by willingly sacrificing His son. The angel stopped him, but he proved his faith in God not seeing a sacrifice but hearing the Word of God. Abraham told his servants to wait at the foot of the mountain and he and Isaac will return because he believed God will provide a sacrifice for himself.
Peter cast the net on the right side of the boat upon Jesus bidding.  Being a veteran fisherman and after having fished all night, and Jesus being a carpenter, what does a carpenter know about fishing?  He lectures Peter after he have desperately tried catching fish all night?  He comes ashore where there is no fish.  Jesus says, “Cast it on the right side.”  Peter says, “You don’t know what you are saying.”  In his mind, Peter thought, “You are Lord, and at your bidding, I will obey.”   Because he obeyed by faith, they caught a large amount of catch.
It is not blind obedience if you get the Word.   You don’t have to understand it. You don’t have to see the reason because many times, there is no reason.  There is no explanation that our mind could fathom.  This is why we have to accept it by faith.  The Lord mainly speaks through His prophets for the Church.  He mainly speaks through His prophet when He has a message for the Church.
To an angel, meaning a leader or bishop, “My word has to be spoken through them.” How can they hear without somebody who is used by God to speak His word?  He speaks through authorities for their respective jurisdictions, like parents.  For your family, the word of the Lord is through your parents mainly. For the husband and wife relationship, the word of the Lord comes through the mouth of the husband.  Authorities are not the only exclusive vessels.  God can speak through a donkey or anything else that He chooses because He is God.  Mainly, He uses authority.
We are not called to see.  We say, “I don’t see the point.  I don’t get it, but I submit and I obey because I heard the Word.” “I got the Word.  There is a basis for my obedience, for my faith through the Word that was given to me.”  You may have been or maybe you are still doing this, “How can we afford a place to build a church?  At the price of land?  Will God give us His word?”   Yes!  “Confirm now Thy word to Thy servant.”  He has given us His word.  Can we see how it will happen?  We don’t.
In our giving to the land, what we give will not add up to what we need, but the land has been given.  Our attitude is that we press on toward there by giving little by little, something at a time, until we get there.  Our attitude, like St. Paul said to the Philippians, should be going and getting there.  God has given us the land, and we are in the process of acquiring it at the same time.  We must not forget that He has already given us the land.  Our attitude should be: we must get there.  How?  He knows how and all we need is His word:  go and get there.
We can reason with our minds and say, “Well, why don’t we just get this small piece of property or this cheap property or this out of the way property because land in those places are affordable.”  What is the Word of the Lord?  Israel could have asked, “Why do we have to go to Canaan where there are giants? Why not just go to the Philippines?  It is easier to defeat the 4”11 Filipinos, and they have a visa waiver program. It is tropical there  and the humidity is good!”  Why not the United States?  They have wide roads and everything that you need. Why not?  Because God said that it was Canaan. That was the Word.
The Word of the Lord is not subject to man’s approval.  It is non-negotiable.  This is why we call Him Lord because His word is obeyed by those who call Him, “Lord.” We are not called to see.  Either we don’t see the point if we don’t see the reason or understand that we are called to obey.  This is what faith means: obedience of faith.  Jesus is the ultimate example of this faith because He obeyed to the point of death.  We all know that He tried to get away from it and question it by saying, “Is there any plan God?” Then He said, “Yet, nevertheless, Your will not Mine be done.”
This is why Christ came – for us and for our salvation.   The requirement for salvation is number one, legal; the second is actual.  It is for our actualization for that which has been achieved legally.  To use the Latin word, He has de jure saved us and we are to de facto live out that salvation. We are to show that we have actually legally saved by walking accordingly.
Christ said, “Learn from me. Do it according to the way I live as a man for this is salvation.” Salvation is not getting one foot inside the door of heaven and making sure that it is secure.  Salvation is right here, right now.  Salvation is eternal life which begins now.  It is true now!  It needs to be lived out now and for all eternity.
How do we prepare for Jesus coming?  By striving together to be like Him.  Our calling is also incarnational.  We are His body, His flesh and we are to actualize our being His flesh until we attain to the fullness of Him and then He will come and we will recognize Him because by then, we will be like Him.  We have finished our journey and we are ready to receive Him.  All of His virtues, we have attained and we have finished our journey, and then we are ready for Him.
Already but still in process.  Emmanuel, God with us, in us, both to will and to work towards this fullness.  For us and for our salvation so that we can be chief of the mountains, be a witness to the Gentiles so that we can preach to them obedience of faith.  This is so that the world also can receive salvation.
My brothers and sisters, this is the way it is in the kingdom of God.




“The Gospel Proclaimed”
December 24, 2013

Eve of the Feast of the Theophany
(Christmas Eve Service)

Isaiah 9: 2 -  4; 6 – 7/Psalm 96:  1 - 4; 11 – 12/Titus 2: 11 – 14/Luke 2: 1 – 14

His Excellency
The Most Reverend Ariel Cornelio P. Santos D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop and Locum Tenens
of the 
Archdiocese of Manila
National Church in the Philippines 
and the 
Territorial Church of Asia

International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

“Unto us a Child is born.  Unto us a Son is given.”  This is good news of a great joy which shall be for all the peoples. 
I don’t know if you fully understand and fully fathom the reality of the Incarnation.  God subjected Himself to this process and He became human. There is no undoing that anymore.  There is no reversing that.  Jesus is forever in the flesh.  He cannot get away from it anymore.  There is no turning back from and to say, “I don’t want to be human anymore.” 
This is permanent.  Christ is forever like us, in the flesh – forever and ever, for all eternity. This is Incarnation. I am awed by this incredible act.  God voluntarily reduces Himself to become human – not taking away from His deity.  He voluntarily submits to the requirement of Him becoming human in order to save us.  He became an infant that is needing of diapers; an infant to be wiped, to be cleaned up, helpless and limited with its frustrations.  He was bound in swaddling clothes. 
Christ also subjected Himself to the humbleness, the humiliation of being born in a manger.  A manger is a stable where the travelers leave their donkeys.  Imagine the smell of that place.  He wasn’t born in a palace; in a mansion.  He could have gone to “” and booked on line to make sure they had a room, but He chose to be born in humble conditions. He chose to be born to poor parents.  His birth was announced not to kings, not to the chief priests, not to princes and presidents whose mere entrance is announced. 
This is the birth of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  The high King of heaven; the Sovereign God! But who does He choose to announce His birth to?  Shepherds – not kings, not chief priests.  It is the ultimate demonstration of God’s love becoming flesh, becoming one of us.  His love is not abstract theory.  It is real; actual; tangible; involved; participatory; “in your face”.  You cannot get away from it. 
Emmanuel means “He is with us.”  He is not distant or watching us from a distance.  He is right here with us, among us dwelling.  He is one with us forever!  Emmanuel – right with us.  Not repulsed; not disgusted; not driven away by our weaknesses, our imperfections.  He chose to forever stay with us permanently. He is with us because of His great love. 
Christ can easily ask, “How long do I have to put up with you?”  He can easily say and He will be justified in saying, “Why did I ever choose to be incarnate and be in the midst of a people like this?”  He can easily be justified if He left us, if He divorced us because He would be on the right; but He chose to be Emmanuel.   He chose to pitch His tent among us and dwell with us permanently. We must have the same attitude and commitment.  Is it any wonder why He says, “I hate divorce?”  It is against His nature.  He doesn’t leave nor forsake. He is permanently with us. 
The reading in the epistle to Titus, St. Paul tells Titus, “The gospel comes to us bringing salvation to all men.”  The good news of a great joy is to all people.  The good news is for the people beside you.  The Incarnation was for all people including the people around you.  Christ is Savior to all men including each one of us; the very person beside you.   Probably, when you looked at them, you saw their imperfections.  You probably saw immediately something that reminded you that the person had weaknesses.  That same person, God chose to be with and not to ever, ever leave, forsake, divorce, to get mad or to be angry at.  That same person is the one God chose to forgive seven times seven a day, a minute.  This is what the Incarnation means.  God will never, ever forsake us. 
What is the purpose of this good news?  According to St. Paul, it is not just so that we can escape the fires of hell, but it is so that we can deny ungodliness and live righteously.  It is so we can look for the blessed hope of the Savior’s coming and His appearing.  Romans 15:4 says, “Scriptures gives us instructions so that we may be encouraged by them and we may have hope.”   Your sins are forgiven now! 
What did Jesus tell the adulteress and other people? He said simply, “Your sins are forgiven and sin no more.”  Deny ungodliness.  Live righteously.  What comes first?  It is the forgiveness, then comes the instructions and the exhortation and the encouragement.  Now that your sins are forgiven, now that you have been saved, now that you have salvation, sin no more.  Live righteously; deny ungodliness.  Why?  It is not just to escape the penalty, but it is to be totally freed from sin and its bondage and slavery. 
What is the big deal about sin?  None because it has been taken care of!  Why was it taken care of?  It is because it got in the way of the relationship of man and God.  God created man so that He could have fellowship with Him.  Only man, among all of His creation, did He create according to His image and likeness.  Only man did He breathed His life into.  Sin entered and got between God and man which God does not like.
God wants to have relationship with man.  Sin is no big deal anymore. Sin is not the purpose of the Cross.  Yes, for our sins He died, but it is because ultimately, it gets in the way of our fellowship and our communion with God.  His will is: that He and us sit down at Table.  God and man at Table are sat down.   This is the reason He created us – to have fellowship with us. 
One theologian even boldly proclaim, “The earth actually was created only for this reason: so that there can be a venue for God and man to have fellowship.”  The most important is God fellowshipping with man.  The theologian says that the reason we have an earth is so that God and man could have a place for fellowship with each other in. 
The Incarnation is not to escape hell but to restore fellowship and communion.  It is the communion that Adam enjoyed with God before sin entered into the world.  They talked face to face.  They walked together in the cool of the day and the night in the Garden.  Adam was obedient and thus faithfully ruled and reign and had fellowship with God. 
This is the purpose of Incarnation – our communion and fellowship with God.  The shepherds heard the news and then they were abiding.  They were keeping watch by night. They were alert.  This Season of Advent encouraged and urged us to be on the alert, to be always on our guard, and to be watchful.  This was what the shepherds were doing.  They were abiding and occupying until the Savior came.  They were faithfully fulfilling their calling as shepherds.  They believed the message from God. 
Can you imagine the angels appear to you and says, “Don’t be afraid.  I bring you good news of a great joy. For today, a Child is born to you in the city of David. The Child who is the Savior of all men.  This is a sign for you. This Savior, this King of Kings, this Lord of Lords, this High King of Heaven, the Sovereign God, incarnate, you will find Him in a manger.”  If you were the shepherd, won’t you ask, “A manger? Why won’t He be born in a palace or in a mansion or some luxurious and huge place? Are you for real?  Are you an angel of light or darkness? Are you playing us?  Is this a TV program that is a joke?  A manger?” 
The shepherds believed the message from God from the angel. They responded.  Immediately, they went and they exchanged stories with Mary and Joseph.  It is written in Scriptures between the verses.  Can you imagine Mary telling them how the Child was conceived?  Joseph telling them, “Oh, an angel appeared to me and said, ‘This Child was conceived by the Holy Spirit.’”  Can you imagine the shepherds telling them, “Oh, we confirmed that because we also heard an angel?” 
The shepherds believed the story of Mary and Joseph and the angels and they also gave a testimony.  They told people of the Savior that was born of a virgin; that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  That He chose to be humbly born in a manger. Scriptures says that all who heard them were amazed and in wonder.  Mary treasured all these things in her heart and pondered on them.  The shepherds rejoiced and glorified God and praise Him for the good news that they had seen, heard and experienced. 
Today, unto us a Child is born.  Today, we are given good news of a great joy.  Emmanuel, the Lord God is with us!  We have great reason to rejoice because the great news of a great joy is given to us.  What else matters?  What is there to complain about?  We have more than enough reason to rejoice because this is good news of a great joy! 
Together, let us shout, “Hallelujah!”  We have more than enough reason to rejoice!  Unto us a Child is born!  This is God’s great love.  This is the great love of God.  Never will He leave us; never will He forsake us.  He is forever with us. 
This is the way it is in the kingdom of our God!


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