Miyerkules, Abril 30, 2014

News from Taizé!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If the above link does not work please try the ones below


Vigilate et Orate (Be watchful, and pray with me) + Psalm 104

Matthew 26:36-41

Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilt (And By His Wounds we are healed) + Isaiah 53

Bro Roger Schütz: A key word from my youth...


Short Writings from Taize:

News from Taizé 

Tuesday 29 April 2014
  • Taizé: Echoes from Easter
  • "The Risen Christ makes us passionate seekers of communion"
  • Small provisional communities of young people
  • Gathering for a new solidarity
  • Listening to the youth of Asia
  • Prague: Preliminary information on the European meeting
  • Australia: Visits during the month of May
  • Agenda
  • Prayer

Taizé:Echoes from Easter

During the past two weeks, culminating in the feast of Easter, more than 8000 people visited the hill of Taizé. The previous days were characterized by a procession from the St Stephen Spring to the Church of Reconciliation the morning of Palm Sunday, the washing of feet of the entire congregation on Holy Thursday evening, and the memorial of Christ’s death Friday at 3pm, with a time of silence kept by all everywhere on the hill. On Easter morning, the Easter greeting "Christ is risen! - He is risen indeed!" was spoken in 32 languages, in an atmosphere of jubilation.

"The Risen Christ makes us passionate seekers of communion"

A few days before leaving for Rome to join all those honoring the memory of John XXIII and John Paul II, Brother Alois recalled in a meditation the meaning of the Easter feasts. "It is he, the Risen Lord, who brings us together. Although he remains invisible to our eyes, he can be mysteriously present for every human being, for each one of us. […] We brothers would like to do all we can for you to discover this hope in your lives. And, conversely, your presence here in Taizé nourishes our hope. Yes, it is Jesus Christ who unites us. And he wants to make us passionate seekers of communion, creators of friendship among believers and non-believers."

Small provisional communities of young people

Throughout the year 2015, the community will celebrate the 75 years of its foundation and will invite all to remember its founder, Brother Roger, 100 years after his birth and ten years after his death. Not by looking back but by searching for new and concrete commitments of solidarity. One of the initiatives launched in this direction by the brothers consists in inviting young people to live for a few weeks in a small commuity at the heart of a neighbourhood, a town or village to witness to the Gospel and to share the joys and sufferings of the inhabitants. A life following the rhythm of three prayers together each day. Pastoral and social work with the local Christian communities, visits to people who are alone or in situations of distress, holding prayers open to all and gatherings of young people.

Gathering for a new solidarity

Looking towards the anniversaries of 2015, Brother Alois suggested a three-year process to renew, in the light of the Gospel, our commitment for human solidarity. The climax of this process will take place in Taizé from 9 to 16 August 2015, a "gathering for a new solidarity." This meeting will bring together several thousand young adults from every continent and will be the culmination of the celebrations of the year 2015, as well as a new beginning. Bible reflections and workshops led by people from different Churches, different continents and other religions are already being prepared. The week will conclude on 16 August with a prayer of thanksgiving in memory of Brother Roger, which will take place at 4pm in the presence of many Church leaders.

Listening to the youth of Asia

To prepare the summer of 2015 at Taizé in the context of the reflection on a "new solidarity", texts written by young people from Asia are still being published on line. Rafayel, from Bangladesh, reacted to the theme of visible communion among Christians developed by Brother Alois in his "Proposals for 2014": "For me, the search for unity means to share, to help each other. It means to agree, to communicate in order to work for peace; it also means helping others to succeed in life. When we are ready to work together, then we can talk about searching for unity." If you want to react or send your own reflections "seen from Asia" on the theme of solidarity, do not hesitate to write us atechoes@taize.fr.

Prague: Preliminary information on the European meeting

The European meeting in Prague will be held from 29 December 2014 to 2 January 2015. From 10 to 24 May, four Taizé brothers will visit the Czech Republic to pray in churches of the city and its surroundings and to inform people about the meeting. Their calendar is online. Taking part means... praying in song and in silence in a city which is at the very heart of Europe; joining tens of thousands of young people from Europe and beyond in the quest for a deeper understanding of faith and the life of the Church; experiencing the hospitality of families of Prague and the surrounding area; meeting with people living out the Gospel in the midst of today’s challenges. The provisional programme of the gathering and the preliminary practical information have been published online.

Australia: Visits during the month of May

Between 12 May and the end of the month, brothers will travel in Australia and New Zealand. There will be meetings and prayers open to all and especially to young adults between 18 and 35. These gatherings will be a time of preparation for a larger pilgrimage which will be organized by the communion in collaboration with local Churches in February 2015. Here are the stages of this trip: 12 May, Adelaide (for more details contact Geraldine Hawkes: sacc1@picknowl.com.au); 13-15 May, Melbourne (Heidi Bryce:heidi.bryce@gmail.com); 16-18 May, Brisbane (Jela Virzi: admin@qct.org.au); 19-22 May, Sydney (Kathy Moroney: kmoroney@ncca.org.au). Beginning on 24 May, at Wellington and Christchurch, contact community@taize.fr for details.


  • Montenegro. Registrations for the meeting at Podgorica, in August 2014, are now open; you can register online.


Christ Jesus, inner light, since your resurrection you have been invisibly present for each human being. You gave your life so that we might know that God is forgiveness and goodness. Lead us to welcome your love: it is healing; it is joy; it invites us to live for others.
(This prayer can be found in many languages in a document that was distributed on Easter morning to all the visitors present at Taizé).

Taizé website: http://www.taize.fr

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