Linggo, Pebrero 2, 2014

News from Taizé!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the above link does not work please try the ones below 

Alleluia 7 + Psalm 86

Jeremiah 9:22-23

Bro Roger Schütz: A key word from my youth...


Short Writings from Taize:

News from Taizé 

Sunday 2 February 2014
  • Taizé: Brother Frank (1935-2014)
  • Strasbourg: Echoes from the European Meeting
  • Prague: the next European Meeting will take place at the end of 2014 in the Czech Republic
  • Taizé: On the way to 2015 “towards a new solidarity”
  • Commented Bible Passage: “Power was coming from him…” (Luke 6: 20-26)
  • For the Diary
  • Prayer

Taizé : Frère Frank (1935-2014)

On 16 February Brother Frank, the brother in charge of the fraternity in Mymensingh (Bangladesh), died in his 79th year. He was born in the Netherlands, in the village of Gasselte in the province of Drenthe. After studying languages, he entered the Taizé Community in 1960.
For a long time he had had a weak heart, and then more recently problems with his lungs. Recently he felt worse and a rapid return to Taizé was decided. A nurse accompanied him. During a stopover in Istanbul he suffered a heart attack; he was hospitalized and died almost immediately. His body was brought back to Taizé, where his funeral took place on January 21 in the presence of his five siblings; he was the eldest.

Strasbourg : Echoes from the European Meeting

During and following the meeting we received many different stories from young people taking part in the meeting, host families and other people involved in the preparation locally.

Prague : the next European Meeting will take place at the end of 2014 in the Czech Republic

December 30th, in Strasbourg Cathedral, Brother Alois announced that the next European meeting will take place from 29 December 2014 to 2 January 2015 . "It will bring us together in a city that is right in the centre of Europe. It will be in the city of Prague."
The Archbishop of Prague, Cardinal Duka, and President Fajfr of the Czech Council of Churches came specially to Strasbourg for the announcement.

Taizé: On the way to 2015 “towards a new solidarity”

During the meeting in Strasbourg the various meetings that will take place in Taizé, during the year 2015 were announced. That year will mark the 75th anniversaire of the community and the 100th of Brother Roger’s birth. The summer in particular will be the culmination of 4 years of reflection by young people from all sorts of backgrounds and every continent. A diversity of churches and a diversity of faces which continues to come together in a common search, following in the footsteps of Christ in order to prepare a gathering of young people for a renewal of solidarity.

Commented Bible Passage: “Power was coming from him…” (Luke 6 :20-26)

Jesus goes up on the mountain to spend the night.. Early in the morning, a decision seems to have been taken: he has the disciples come up to him and names them apostles. Then they all go down to a “level place,” a plain or a plateau. Jesus leaves an intimate relationship with God on the mountain and comes down to the crowds below. But why does Jesus stop on a plain?

For the Diary

  • Mexico: For the meeting taking place in Mexico City from 1st till 4th May 2014 see this pageRegistration is already open. On Saturday 3 May, the evening prayer will take place in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Several brothers and young volunteers will be spending time in the Mexico City in order to prepare the meeting, from the beginning of February onwards.
  • Montenegro: At the invitation of the Orthodox Archbishop of Cetinje, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Coastlands, a stage in the “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” will take place in Podgorica from 27 to 31 August 2014.
  • Latvia: At the invitation of the Lutheran and Catholic churches in Latvia, a stage in the “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” will take place in Riga from 26 to 28 September 2014.


Christ Jesus, inner light, it’s when we look towards you, when we gather together in your name, that the church grows in unity. Bring us to love faithfulness and to walk with you, you who guide our steps on the way of peace.
Taizé website:

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