Lunes, Hulyo 15, 2013

News from Taizé!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News from Taizé 
Monday 15 July 2013
  • Taizé: ready for the big summer crowds
  • USA: a very different stage of the Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth, in Pine Ridge
  • Brazil: Taizé at the World Youth Day
  • Norway: "We are truly one in Christ"
  • Poland: In Grębocin, a real sign of being one family
  • Taizé: Buy items from our workshops on-line
  • For the Diary
  • Prayer

Taizé: ready for the big summer crowds

The largest weeks of the year in terms of numbers are just starting. Over the month of June the Swedish have been the most numerous and the young people in Taizé for a longer stay have spent the time getting things ready for the summer. Beginning with the young people from Africa, the volunteers from different continents have already started leading workshops each Saturday introducing their countries, sharing their lives and their faith. A group of young Orthodox Christians from Belarus accompanied by two priests also led a musical workshop with songs from their country.
An important visit took place from the council of the Protestant Federation of France, along with their President, Pastor Claude Baty. They had the opportunity during the visit to meet ministers who were here that week, from various different countries: Sweden, Germany, Britain, and also from Korea, Taiwan and the United States. A Roman Catholic Bishop from Burundi, Mgr Nzéyimana, also came for a few days, and on the first Sunday of July, Archbishop Minnerath of Dijon came to celebrate the Eucharist.

USA: a very different stage of the Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth, in Pine Ridge

How can we allow ourselves to be welcomed by those who seem most different from us, in order to create bonds of friendship and solidarity, even when past relationships have been marked by exploitation, violence and mistrust? As an attempt to give a lived-out answer to this question, a stage in the Pilgrimage of Trust was held from May 24-27 at Red Shirt Table, on the Pine Ridge Lakota Indian Reservation in South Dakota (USA). The weekend brought together over 500 pilgrims from throughout North America, and others from as far away as Finland, Germany, France and Austria, who were joined by many Native Americans and other local people. All the seven Indian reservations in the State of South Dakota were represented. "We haven’t come to bring a message or to give you advice. We want to share our gifts and listen to your words," said Brother Alois during one of the common prayers.

Brazil: Taizé at the World Youth Day

Some of the brothers, including Brother Alois, will be at the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, organised by the Catholic Church, as they have been at previous occasions. They will lead prayers and welcome people each afternoon from Tuesday 23rd until Friday 26th July at La Candelária, a large church in the city centre. They will take part, along with all the pilgrims, at the Saturday evening prayer vigil at Guaratiba, as well as the final Eucharist on Sunday morning. The brothers will also organise several special prayers, responding to invitations from various places and groups.

Norway: "We are truly one in Christ"

In Norway, a meeting in the Diocese of Bjørgvin brought together young people aged 15-35, together with one of the brothers and two volunteers from Taizé. In the days before the meeting the visitors from Taizé went to various schools and churches, as well as taking part in all sorts of meetings, speaking about life at Taizé. The ecumenical committee for the meeting, made up of both Protestants and Catholics, has helped strengthen the community in various parishes in the Bergen area.

Poland: In Grębocin, a real sign of being one family

At the end of last May, in Grębocin near Torun in Poland, many young people were able to take part in a new stage in the pilgrimage of trust. They shared their faith experiences with one of the brothers and Ursuline sisters who had come from Taizé. The theme of the meeting was "Trusting in God." A young person who attended the meeting, Artur, shares his experience: "Our hosts had prepared the meeting well in advance and had thought of everything. When we arrived, we were really touched by the hospitality of the people of this small town. They opened their homes to us without the slightest hesitation. What impressed us most of all was the unity in the community, a real sign of being, in a sense, one family."

Taizé: Buy items from our workshops on-line

"Our vocation as a community has committed us to live from our own work, accepting neither gifts, nor inheritances, nor presents. Daring to set nothing by, without fear of the possible poverty, gives peaceful strength." (The Sources of Taizé) The brothers live only from what they produce themselves in the workshops in Taizé: pottery, enamelled copper pendants, books, videos, recordings of the songs and other items. Their work is on show and on sale in Taizé, at the "Exposition" shop. But now a new section of the website where people can buy on-line has just been set up.

Other News

  • France. One of the brothers will take part in the gathering of young French protestants, "le Grand Kiff", in Grenoble from 26th to 30th July. There will be a prayer vigil with the songs of Taizé one evening as well as a chance to meet and discuss with all the young people present.


Christ Jesus, you ask the Father to send us the Holy Spirit, who teaches us perseverance in doing good day after day. Through the presence of the Spirit, the Kingdom of God is already among us. The Spirit brings us your peace, that peace that we would like to pass on to those you confide to our care.

Taizé website:

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