Martes, Hunyo 17, 2014


“Together in the Holy Trinity”

June 15, 2014

יהוה אֱלֹהִים

Genesis 1: 1 - 2: 3/Psalm 150/2 Corinthians 13: 11 – 14/Matthew 28: 16 – 20

His Excellency
The Most Reverend Ariel Cornelio P. Santos D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop and Locum Tenens
of the 
Archdiocese of Manila
National Church in the Philippines 
and the 
Territorial Church of Asia

International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers!  It is not just your day, but the Son's day and the Holy Spirit’s Day because this is Trinity Sunday also. I am not here to bore you with the doctrine of the Trinity.  We have to learn from the Trinity because They are our model for being.

In the movement in the 1800’s called Age of Enlightenment, the spirit of that age is defined as: man’s exodus from self-incurred inability to use his own understanding without guidance of another.  Enlightenment means learning, understanding on your own without the help of a teacher or an instructor.  This age resulted in today’s reason for our division and our disagreement on the subject of the Trinity.  Even today, there are the ancient rehashed heresies because people think that they can learn from their own without the benefit of a teacher, parent or instructor.

In Deuteronomy, Moses' commandment is for the father to instruct his son in the ways of God. Psalm 78:1-7 talks about the responsibility of the fathers in preparing and teaching and instructing the next generation. Proverbs says, "My son, listen, heed my word and give ear to my instruction.”  The word “instruction” by definition is something that comes from another person in authority over another.  In the case of Christianity, it is whom God appoints – like parents, teachers, elders and the Church leaders. It takes humility on the part of the student or the receiver of instruction to be instructed.  It is the exact opposite of the arrogance of the Age of Enlightenment.  It takes humility and the fear of God to submit to God's representative authority.  If all Christians just submitted to the teachings of the Church, we would not have the problem today with the doctrine of the Trinity.  Today, the reason some Christian circles still don’t believe in the Trinity, having their own understanding of who God is, is because of this departure from instruction.

The word Catholic in Latin is ubique, semper, ab omnibus; in English, it means everywhere, always, and by all.  Believe everywhere, all the time, and by all.  The Great Commission was designed to accomplish that so that there would be one faith.  Because of the spirit of enlightenment, some, at a certain point, invoke the Sola Scriptura, the Bible only teaching or principle.

The Bible contains all things necessary for life and salvation, but it doesn’t contain everything else.  Not everything is there.  Read John 21:25; John 20:30-31.  John himself said, “Many other things Jesus did which are not written in the gospel.”  He said, “If we put them all in writing, it is impossible.”  The whole Word cannot contain the books if we write about God exhaustingly. The Bible is like a summary of what we need to know in order for us to live salvation life.  In fact, I challenge you to look for the word “Trinity” in the Bible.  There is none because it is a teaching of the Church which preceded the Bible. The teaching has always been proclaimed but not necessarily written.

Does it mean that it is not biblical?  It is; it is consistent with the Bible but not everything is written there.   The New Covenant (Testament) is not a document.  It is a gospel that was to be passed as Jesus instructed.  For some reason, the New Covenant has been reduced to a written document.  This is not Catholic teaching because Catholic means everywhere, by all and always.
Jesus said, "Take this all of you and drink from it.  This is My blood of the new and everlasting Covenant. It would be shed for you and for many for the remission of sins and do this (not write this) in remembrance of Me.”  Do it! Proclaim it! The New Covenant is more than just something we write about.  It is something you do, you practice and live out.  It is a life!  It is not a literary achievement, but a life.  In fact and I dare say this that you cannot write about it and convince somebody about it only by reading it.   You have to live it out, show it, and have them experience the power of it.

God can use the written Word.  Many of us have been led to God by just reading something, but the power of God is more than that.  The gospel is more than that.   Jesus’ command was:  do this; proclaim this.  It is not necessarily to write.  Some were called to write, but the faith message even pre-dates the compiled document by centuries. They have been proclaiming the gospel before this compilation of books called the New Testament was in circulation.   The gospel, the New Covenant, is a message.  It is a gospel that was to be proclaimed.   This compilation of books was in support of, not in place of the New Covenant.

This document talks about what has been done in centuries and what should be proclaimed continually until Christ comes again.  It is like a good cook and a recipe.  You can say to your grandmother who was taught by a great cook who was her mother that you can cook a dish better than her because you have the recipe.  You say, “I can cook Kare-kare better than you because I have the recipe. It is all in the recipe!”  The grandmother may or may not have the recipe but she was in the kitchen with her mother cooking the Kare-kare herself.   We cannot be arrogant to say, “I have her recipe, but the mother saw the cooking.”

This is all we have - the Scriptures – but actually not.  We also have those who received the teachings orally and is passed on to us.  Some call it tradition, but it is a teaching of the Church.  According to God’s command, not the Old or New Testament, one generation is to pass the instructions, the teaching to another.   It is good that we have the aid of the recipe, the Bible, but the training goes beyond.  You have to cook to learn.  If need be, you get burned once in a while.  You don’t learn without getting burned.  Practice and experience is how you learn the gospel.  Hebrews says the mature, by practice, have trained themselves to discern good and evil.  It is not just by reading, by googling, but by practice because classroom theory is very different form actual experiential knowledge.

There is a story of a shepherd who was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new Mercedes Benz advanced out of a dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Prada sunglasses and an expensive Salvatore Ferragamo tie, leans out the window and asks him, "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?" The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answers, "Sure. Why not?"  The yuppie parks his car, whips out his iPad, opens the NASA website, and logs on to a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.

The young man then opens the digital photo in a graphics application and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email that the image has been processed and the data stored in his iCloud.  After retrieving it from there, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, mini HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the shepherd and says, “You have exactly 1,586 sheep.” The shepherd says, “That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my sheep.”  He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then the shepherd says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my sheep?“ The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?” The shepherd says, “You’re a consultant.” The yuppie says, “Wow! That’s correct, but how did you guess that?” “No guessing required,” answered the shepherd. “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew to a question I never asked. You are clearly a consultant.’  Then, he says, “Now, give me back my dog!"

We think we have a diploma and you can wave it to the whole world and say, “If you have to hire me, you have to give me this much on my first day.”  No, you are just starting to learn.  In the classroom, you learn very little.  You learn the theories, but the actual experience happens on the job.  It doesn’t matter how many gadgets you use.  If we can’t even tell the difference between a dog and a sheep, then, we don’t know much. We know by experience.  Not just something, but even some one – persons.  We can read the biography of a person but still not know him.  You have to experience.

The Great Commission in the gospel commands the apostles, “Go and make disciples of all nations and baptize them and teach them.”  This was to result in the catholizing of the earth meaning – every one, everywhere believing the same teaching.  It was to result in the obedience to all that Christ commanded and the unity and the commonality of the faith.  It is the exact opposite of the autonomous individualism, which is, “I can learn on my own.”   It is the exact opposite of the spirit of enlightenment and the thought that we know better than our instructors whom Jesus appointed and sent.

If we, ourselves, are not teachable, we can’t expect others to be teachable people.  How can we fulfill the Great Commission if everyone has the spirit of, “I don’t need you. I have the internet. I can log on to a religious site and learn.”  The New Covenant is not learned through books or websites. It is experienced at the Table and lived out.

The Trinity is our model for unity.  The Trinity is illustrated as God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is not Father; the Father is not Son; the Son is not the Holy Spirit.  The Father isGod; the Son is God; the Holy Spirit is God.  Yet, They are one and They are in unity.   Each of us is human, but I am not you.  You are not the person beside you and he is not me.  But we, each of us, is human, a child of God.  The Holy Trinity is One.  They share the same essence but They have different personalities, but They are one.   Their nature: God is love.  This love is despite differences because there is one common thing.  They are model for being because if we know how They are, who They are, then we can truly and fully be human also because we were created in Their image and likeness.

A man and a woman are two different personalities, but when they get married, they become one – two in one.  Just like the Trinity - Three in one.  We, though many, are one Body.  We cannot say that we know God in His Trinitarian nature and being if we don't operate the way They do.  They love one another; They support one another; They are one.  Different, yes, but one.  You don’t have to have this compatibility because no one is compatible with anyone.  There are different likes and dislikes but they share one common humanity and both are children of God.

As God the Father, Son and Spirit relate to one another, They demonstrate Their love for each other and work in concert to accomplish the Divine will.  We get our idea of our nature and our fellowship and our mission as one Body.   In the Great Commission, the apostles were instructed with explicit instructions on what to do, their purpose, the scope of their mission and the practices involved which was baptizing and teaching.  They got the assurance from Jesus that they did not do this alone.  The responsibility of continuity of Jesus’ life and ministry is now turned over to the Church.  We are to preach the gospel of the Kingdom.  The furtherance of the Kingdom is founded on the fact that Jesus has received all authority in heaven and on earth.

We have no reason to fear, to doubt or to be anxious about anything at all because we are backed by that authority.  It is like it is already done!  Much like in the Old Testament, the Promised Land was already given.  They simply had to occupy.  The Great Commission actually is just waiting for us to fulfill it.  Already, Jesus authority is ahead of us.  We just need to obey His commandment and His instructions to us.  We are told to make disciples of nations and baptize people.  Baptism is not just a right of initiation and a ticket to heaven.  Baptism is more than that.  It is an identification with the work of God that involved all Three expressions of the Trinity.  It was always an identification with the community of faithful followers who observed the fellowship, the brotherhood that characterizes their common belief and practice.  It was a continual participation in this fellowship.

This is what being a disciple is and this is what we are today as people.  We are not to make converts out of people and we are certainly not to make statistics of them or feathers for our achievement in our ministry.   Some say that we are not limited to Israel.  We are to go to the Gentiles.  We are not limited to the Gentiles either.   We have responsibility to the sheep of the house of Israel, especially when they are lost and they go astray.  I would emphasize that we are witnesses first in Jerusalem, and then in Judea, and then in Samaria and then to the outermost part of the earth.

Let us not forget Jerusalem and Israel.  My questions: have we been, as disciples of Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission?  Have we been making disciples of nations?  Have we been making disciples of our children?  In Jerusalem, have we been making disciples of our brothers and sisters around us?  Or have we just stopped at just converting them and reading to them something and giving them a booklet that says, “Believe in Jesus and everything will be okay.”
We are to get people to know Christ and His commandments and observe all of those things. Not just learn of them, but observe all of them. We are not to fear but we fulfill it in His Name and participate in the establishment of His kingdom on earth.  It is sure to happen.  It will happen one way or another.  We might as well be used by God as instruments. If we don’t fulfill, He will get some other people to fulfill it for Him.  We might as well participate in the fulfillment of this, as His instruments.  When we are, we don’t only participate in God’s work, but we also fulfill Jesus’ prayer for us that we be one even as He and the Father and the Holy Spirit are one.  And, we become more and more what we already are – created in the image and likeness of God and partakers of His Divine nature.

Why is the Trinity so important?  This is because we are created in Their likeness and image. If we go against that likeness and image, then we struggle.  It is like we are fish out of water.  We will find our peace, our completeness, our wholeness, our salvation in the fact that we live according to how They live.  We fellowship according to how They fellowship.  We are in unity according to Their unity.

This is the way it is in the kingdom of our God!




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