Huwebes, Hunyo 26, 2014

הַֽנֶּאֱמָ֔ן הָאֵל֙

 הַֽנֶּאֱמָ֔ן  הָאֵל֙



Readings from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer
Isaiah 2:10-17 / Psalm 89:1-18 / Romans 6:3-11 / Matthew 10:34-42

Readings for the Pauline/Vatican II Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
II Kings 4:8-11 and 14-16a / Psalms 89:2-3, 16-17 and 18-19 / Romans 6:3-4 and 8-11 / Matthew 10:37-42

Readings for the Tridentine Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Introit: Psalm 25:16, 18, and 1-2
Epistle: I Peter 5:6-11
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 55:22, 16, 18, and 8 + 9:4 and 7:11

Luke 15:1-10

Psalm 9:10-12

Communion Antiphon: Luke 15:10

For the Feast of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul
Ezekiel 34:11-16 / Psalm 87 / II Timothy 4:1-8 / John 21:15-19

For the Feast of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul
Acts 12:1-11 / Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9. / II Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 / Matthew 16:13-19

For the Feast of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul
Introit: Acts 12:11 and Psalm 139:1-2
Epistle: Acts 12:1-11
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 45:16-17 and Matthew 16:18

Matthew 16:13-19

Psalm 45:16-17
Communion Antiphon:
Matthew 16:18

Kuya Jay, the current Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus in my Parish, and a member since 2002, has been married to his one and only, God-given love of his life: Ate Anne.

For 12 years now of a Blessed, Christocentric Married life, they are still waiting for the child that God has promised their union to be blessed with.

6 doctors were painstakingly consulted by this couple for them to conceive, but all of these consultations failed.
Kuya Jay and Ate Anne doesn't have any abnormalities as far as their ability to conceive a child is concerned, yet, to the utter bewilderment  of those 6 doctors (as well as myself when he was sharing me this story of his), all of the methods, vitamins, medicines et al. were of no help and was but futile.
But did they lose hope?
Did they lose their Faith in God who is Awesomely Able to make the Impossible, POSSIBLE?

The striking answer is NO.
It was in the year 2007, when Kuya Jay was working as an O.F.W. in “the land of the rising sun”: Japan.  
During their 4 hour break, he opted to take a nap…
Suddenly he found himself bathed in light…
In the midst of that Great Light that was surrounding him, Kuya Jay heard a voice telling him that: “I will give you the child that you have been praying for so ardently… I will provide for this blessing that you have been fervently longing for.”
Waking up, he opted to call Ate Anne,  and guess what, she also had a very similar dream!
And until now, just like Abraham and Sarah, as well as, Zachariah and Elizabeth of ages past, (though they are not that old yet and I do believe that they will receive this promise in the soonest possible time!) Kuya Jay and Ate Anne are still waiting for this promise that they received, and I dare say FROM NO LESS THAN GOD HIMSELF, HE WHO IS FAITHFUL, HE WHO IS THE GOD ALMIGHTY, HE WHO IS THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, and in each passing day this promise has continued to STRENGTHEN, NOURISH AND INFLAME THEIR SELFLESS LOVE FOR EACH OTHER, just life the FAITHFUL, NEVER ENDING LOVE OF CHRIST TO OUR HOLY MOTHER, HIS ONE AND ONLY CHURCH!
In this day and age where everything is but “instant” and “ready made”, God is challenging us to be like Kuya Jay and Ate Anne: EVER FAITHFUL AND EVER TRUE IN WAITING FOR THE WONDERFUL FULFILLMENT OF THIS PROMISE GIVEN BY OUR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE WHO IS THE FULLNESS OF THE WORDS: F.A.I.T.H.F.U.L. AND T.R.U.E. !   

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