News from Taizé 

Saturday March 1, 2014
  • Taizé: The welcome continues in the winter
  • Taizé: Theme for the meetings in 2014
  • Ukraine: In communion through prayer
  • Czech Republic: Volunteers visit Prague and the surrounding region
  • Commented Bible passage: John 18:33-38: What is truth?
  • Recent releases
  • For the diary
  • Prayer

Taizé: The welcome continues in the winter

In recent weeks, after two months, December and January, quieter than any other time of the year, youth groups are back in Taizé. The meals are always taken in an indoor dining room, Room 10, but the large tents are already being put back. As for El Abiodh, the guest-house, it is being renovated. Among the countries represented recently include Poland, with a group of young people from different children’s homes, the United States, France with in particular a large group from Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris. At the beginning of Lent, over 700 Portuguese will be present.

Taizé: Theme for the meetings in 2014

The Letter 2012-2015 "Towards a new solidarity", published in Berlin, continues to be the basis of the common journey that is leading us by stages to 2015. It commits us for the year 2014 to "seek visible communion among all who love Christ." The topic of the meetings in 2014 was inspired by these texts. Each day of the week we will look at a text of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles and a paragraph of the "Proposals" for 2014.

Ukraine: In communion through prayer

In recent weeks, as violence raged in Kiev, the people of Ukraine have been very much in the thoughts and prayers of all in Taizé. To express solidarity, on several occasions during the common prayer a Taizé song was sung in Ukrainian. Among the visitors in the last week of February, a young woman from Ukraine shared her experience of recent events in Maidan. A brother will visit this country for a visit of friendship in March.

Czech Republic: Volunteers visit Prague and the surrounding region

A few weeks after the European meeting in Strasbourg, four volunteers from Taizé are now visiting Christians in towns and villages around Prague, before the next European meeting to be held there at the end of the year. Two of them, Franziska and Veronika, write: “For a week now we have been in the area north of Prague. We’ve been to several places: Roztoky, Kralupy, Neratovice. Today we are in the beautiful town of Melnik. We are grateful to all those who have welcomed us and given us the opportunity to meet other people in these cities. We enjoyed praying with them. During these days, we have experienced that it is possible to find God every day in a different place.”

Commented Bible passage: John 18:33-38: What is truth?

Pilate begins his interrogation with a direct question, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answers with another question: “Is it you who are asking this, or have others told you about me?” While apparently evasive, Jesus’ response is in fact deeply probing. We might paraphrase it in this manner: in what way is Pilate going to engage with Jesus? Will he ask his own questions or else just repeat the questions of others?

Recent releases

Books, records and DVDs published by Presses de Taizé or in collaboration with other publishers are available not only in Taizé but also in many countries. Here are some recent releases :
  • Brother Alois: Pèlerins de confiance – Le chemin de communion suivi à Taizé. Recently published in French and Italian.
  • Brother Roger: Vivre l’aujourd’hui de Dieu – et les premiers livres. Republication in French of Vivre l’aujourd’hui de Dieu(1959) and of excerpts from Introduction à la vie communautaire (1944) and L’unité, espérance de vie (1962).
  • Kathryn Spink: La vie de frère Roger, fondateur de Taizé – new and enlarged French edition. The story of the Taizé Community and its founder.
  • Die Liebe wählen – Frère Roger, Taizé 1915-2005. In this book, recently republished in German in a new form, the Taizé Community expresses, through testimonies, photographs and texts of Brother Roger, its infinite gratitude for the life of its founder.
  • Taizé – Instrumental 3 CD (1, 2 & 3). A box with 3 CDs of accompaniments performed on guitar and flute to help groups that meet to sing and pray.
To see the full list for your area: Books, CDs et DVDs. An online shop is found at

For the diary

  • Czech Republic: A prayer with Taizé volunteers will be held in Prague Thursday March 6 at 7:30pm, in the church of Sv. Martina ve zdi, Martinská, Praha 1.
  • Scotland: Change of venue for the weekend in Edinburgh 15-16 March. Next song practice: Sunday 2 March, 2:30 pm. Schools meeting: Monday 17 March.
  • France: Brother Alois will be at Lille Sunday, March 9 to deliver the first of the Lenten conferences at 4pm at the cathedral: "Seeking God and living human solidarity: when paths of trust open for young people." In addition, the weekend of March 29-30, the meetings of “Témoignage chrétien” on "Europe, a bias for hope" will be held in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, with on the program a prayer with Taizé chants on Sunday, March 30 at 9am, at the Lyon-Saint-Joseph Domaine.
  • Italy: Brother Alois and other brothers will lead a prayer vigil in Rome to prepare World Youth Day on Palm Sunday. It will take place on Friday, April 4, at 8pm, in the church of Santa Maria in Campitelli (Piazza Campitelli 9, near Piazza Venezia). Brother Alois will be present along with other brothers. The song practice will begin at 7pm.


Christ Jesus, you ask us to love even those who hurt us. If you did not do this, we never could consent to take such a step. You understand everything in us and your love is without limits. So we pray to you: make our hearts larger so that we can follow you.
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