Miyerkules, Enero 15, 2014


“Striving Together with the Help of God’s Anointing”

January 12, 2014.

The 1st Sunday of the Christian Season of Epiphany
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Isaiah 42: 1 – 9/Psalm 89: 20 – 29/Acts 10: 34 – 38/Matthew 3: 13 – 17

His Excellency
The Most Reverend Ariel Cornelio P. Santos D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop and Locum Tenens
of the 
Archdiocese of Manila
National Church in the Philippines 
and the 
Territorial Church of Asia

International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

The Season of Epiphany officially started with the manifestation of our Lord when He was still a baby to the Magi, the Wise Men, from the East - representatives of the Gentiles.  Today, the First Sunday of Epiphany, we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord in River Jordan.  It kicks off the Epiphany Season on its first Sunday with a Trinitarian Epiphany: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit manifesting themselves and affirming that the fullness of the Godhead is in Jesus Christ in bodily form.
The natural question about the baptism of Christ is:  why did He need to be baptized?  John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance and for the cleansing of the sin.  John himself, the only sensible person that Jesus could talk too, did not fully understand why Jesus had to come to him.  John asked Him, “Why did you come to me?  I need to be baptized by You?”  Jesus says to him, “Well, permit it to be so for now so that we fulfill all righteousness.” 
This was the very summary of Jesus’ life and purpose for His incarnation.  It was to do only what the Father tells Him to do.  Jesus says that this is what He lives on, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me.”   Actually, John’s testimony itself talks about Jesus being manifested to Israel.  John said, “I came baptizing in the Jordan that He might be manifest to Israel, as the Son of God, as the anointed One, as the Christ and as the Messiah.”  John was not short of giving testimony as to who Jesus was.  John existed before Jesus did.  He was six months older than his cousin Jesus.  He knew who Jesus was.  He knew he was not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of His sandals.  He knew that Jesus was coming to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire.  He knew that the Spirit of God was in Christ. 
John knew that Jesus was the Christ and the Messiah. He also knew that He was the Lamb of God who has come to offer Himself, His life, for the life of the world, for the salvation of man, for the reconciliation of man to the Father.   John knew all these things and other testimonies He gave to Israel, the people of God.  It was Israel in the Old Testament; it is us today. 
In the fullness of time, the public inauguration of Jesus’ ministry, calling and mission came, thus, the baptism at Jordan.  The testimony of the Father was added to the testimony of John.  The testimony of the Holy Spirit was added to the testimony of John.  This undoubtedly is the Son of God, the Messiah that is to come, the Christ, the anointed One, the Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world. 
It was not a strange thing to the Israelites that the title of Messiah was the Son of God.  Every Israelite knew from reading Psalms 2 that God talked about the Messiah as that being His Son, “Thou art My Son.  Today, I have begotten Thee.”  Every Israelite knew that this referred to the Messiah. Isaiah says, “In Him, the servant of God, the anointed One, God so delights.  In Him, He is well pleased.” Isaiah 11 and 61 talks about how that the Spirit of God is in the anointed One, the Christ, the Messiah. 
Jesus reads the portion of Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me.  For He has sent Me to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord to release captives; to proclaim forgiveness of sins.  This is My mission because the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me.”  The Israelites, His own for whom He came and rejected Him, told Him He was blaspheming because they did not believe that He was the Christ.  They knew that what He read was the fulfillment of the prophecy of a Christ.  They did not believe that it was Him. 
The Spirit of the Lord resting on Christ was affirming that this indeed is the Son of God.  John said that he kept baptizing so that this would happen and so that Jesus would be manifest to Israel – to God’s own people.  It is to show us that Jesus receives anointing from God, as a man, through the Holy Spirit. 
In Acts 10, Peter said, "You know how that God anointed Christ with the Holy Spirit and with power at the baptism.”   Jesus did not come to be cleansed; He was clean.  He did not come to be forgiven of sin or to repent. He did not have sin ever.  A Cappadocian church father, Gregory of Nanzianzus, said that He came not to be sanctified by the water, but to sanctify the water.  He did not come to be cleansed by the water; He came to cleanse the water.  He empowered the water so that the water can’t just become an outward sign, but an instrument of the Holy Spirit for cleansing, for rebirth, for transformation. 
During the Easter vigil, we pray for the baptismal font.  In the prayer, we thank God, “By sending Christ who had His baptism cleansed the water for our baptism so that the same water He cleansed would cleanse us and empower us.”  Christ was baptized not for His sake but for our sake so that we could also be strengthened and cleansed by the water that He Himself cleansed.  Thereby, at His baptism, Christ instituted the Sacrament of Baptism bringing fullness to John’s baptism which foreshadowed it.  All the things in the Old Testament is only a foreshadowing of the things in the New Testament. 
In Baptism, we are cleansed and reconciled to the Father.  The song in the Christmas Season “Let Christian Men Rejoice” says, “He has opened heaven’s door and man is blessed evermore for Christ was born for this.”  At Jesus’ baptism, the doors of heaven were opened and the Father said a proclamation about His Son. About heaven opening, Gregory of Nanzianzus says, “Heaven, like the paradise with the flaming sword which was closed by Adam for himself and for the rest of mankind, now opened.  In His baptism, it opened its doors and showed that God is now willing to reconcile man to himself through His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased, whom He sent to offer Himself for the reconciliation of man to God.” 
Christianity is not just about getting saved and getting our foot at the door of heaven.  It is about fulfilling of our mission and also following after Christ, His example and His life.  His commandment was, “Carry your cross and follow Me.” 
Peter said about how God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went about doing good, healing all oppressed by the devil.  What was the purpose of his anointing with the Holy Spirit and with power?  This is so that he could go about doing good, healing and restoring life to all who were oppressed by the curse of sin and death.  This is the same mandate that we have: we are to do the same thing. 
Matthew 12 is the fulfillment of the Old Testament reading in Isaiah 42 which said that Jesus healed all of the sick multitude who came to Him, without discrimination.  He did not interview them as to whether they believed in God or in the three Streams, if they are convergence, Baptist or Catholics.  He healed them all.  No questions asked.  The people needed healing, He healed them.  They were in sin, He reconciled them to the Father.    Matthew 12 says that this was to fulfill His calling as the anointed One in whom God’s Spirit is well-pleased. 
We have the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Western tradition of Christianity.   In the Eastern tradition, the Orthodox calls it, “Chrismation.”  This is when we receive the oil of chrism.  The oil of chrism symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the anointing of God in us.   In baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ, which Peter said the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him. 
In the Old Testament, the chrism oil represented the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God.  The chrism was for anointing and was stored in the horn of a bull.  The horn in the Old Testament represented strength and power.  In the horn is the chrism oil which is strength and power from God which is for anointing, for empowering, for strengthening and for enabling. 
The first people who were anointed by the chrism oil were the priests because they were called and authorized to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. Before they were ordained priests, they were anointed with special oil of chrism for this special vocation.  Secondly, for their office, the prophets were anointed because they proclaimed the living Word of God.  Thirdly, the kings were anointed to save their people from the enemies.   The song verse says, “Manifest at Jordan stream, prophets, priests, and kings supreme.”  These are the offices that Jesus held.  In the Old Testament, the king of Judah actually was called the anointed one.  In Hebrew, the Messiah.  In Greek, Christ.  They were anointed.  There is a difference between Lord and The Lord. A Christ to The Christ, The Anointed One. 
In Jesus’ baptism, He accepted these offices, His calling – for Himself and also for our behalf.   Jesus is the first-born of many brethren who shares the same nature, who have the same Father, and now who have the same anointing and same calling.  Christ was manifest at Jordan stream.  The first thing that happened after the baptism of Christ in Matthew 4:1 was that He was tested in the wilderness. 
We sing in Epiphany, “Manifest in valiant fight; quelling all the devil’s might. Manifest in gracious will, ever bringing good from ill.”   Sickness to health; addiction to wholeness and deliverance; sinfulness to righteousness; good from ill.  This is healing that is in God’s wing.  Romans 8 says that He caused all things to work for good.  He doesn’t identify first the sin and magnify it and gives you a sermon that you are going to hell, and say, “You abominable heathen.” Jesus does not concentrate on the wrong.  He turns the wrong, the ill to good. 
The problem with us today is that we major in sin and say we have to study our enemy, the author of sin, so that we would be more able to effectively quell his might or fight against him.  See the problem and turn it into good because we have been anointed.  We don’t have to magnify it. 
If you come for confession and just in case you tell me or a priest, “I kidnap a person; I torture them; I skinned them alive and I confess it to you,” you would not hear, “You did that? How did you do that?”  The priest would just nod his head.   God is not surprised by what we commit.  He has already taken care of it – each of them.  He does not say, “How can you have done that.  You are a Christian!”   Jesus said, “Your sins have been forgiven. Sin no more.” 
The Pharisees said, "Did you know what this woman did? Did you know how many men she slept with?  Did you know that she was caught in the act?”   Jesus simply said, “Go, your sins have been forgiven, sin no more. You have been anointed.  You have been empowered.”  It is not magnifying the wrong, but just bringing good from ill.   
Why do we need to be confirmed, to have the Sacrament of Confirmation after we have been baptized and received Christ in bodily form in the Eucharist?  Our name is Christian, which means anointed ones.  Chrism is anointing.  We are the anointed ones sharing Christ’s same anointing.  We share the same Spirit who descended and rested on Him.  We share not only His anointing but also His mission because He sent us to evangelize the world. 
We are called and anointed because the Church we belong to is a missionary community.  Each of us is expected as a joint supply.  We work with the Church; we strive with the Church.   We are striving together for the sake of the gospel.  We do everything together.  Like in the Eucharist, the Deacon will now tell us when to kneel and when to stand.  We will march on together from now on.  It may be a small thing but we learn to walk in cadence and we do things together.  Small or great. This is what we are – one! 
My question:  what are we doing with the anointing?  Epiphany is God in man made manifest.  First, in Christ; but also manifest in us.  Jesus did it.  We must follow suit.  We need another EDSA.  EDSA means Epifanio Delos Santos.  Translated in English, it is “epiphany of the saints.”  We are to be revealed as the sons of God to the world.  When we are revealed, we manifest God in man. 
This is what we need to do.  We have been empowered to do that.  It shows us at the baptism of Christ.  We are to strive together with the help of God’s anointing.  This is what is available for us and this is what God wants us to avail of.  This is what eternal life is.  Knowing God, obeying, God, pleasing God. 
This is the way it is in the kingdom of our God




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