Lunes, Agosto 19, 2013


“God’s People Understand the Times”

August 18, 2013

The 13th Sunday of the Christian Season of Ordinary Time/Kingdomtide/Time of the Church

Jeremiah 23: 23 – 29/ Psalm 82/Hebrews 12: 1 - 14 Luke 12: 49 - 56

His Eminence
The Most Reverend Archbishop Loren Thomas Hines D.D.

Archbishop of Manila
of the 
National Church in the Philippines 
the Territorial Church of Asia
International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

Our lives are controlled by times.  We arise at a certain time.  We have calculated the amount of time we need to prepare ourselves so that we are in our office, in our school, or in a place wherever we need to be at a proper time.  We regulate our lives by this time.  Even though in some cases people don’t pay a lot of attention to time, it is still the international standard of regulation of discipline in life.
Jesus was also regulated by time.  In the gospel, Jesus was speaking of something that was very important to us, and yet, most do not comprehend the time. Therefore, we don’t comprehend what Christ is doing. The gospel shares, “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished! Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
And He was also saying to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it turns out. And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and it turns out that way. You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right?”
This portion of this gospel perhaps would be confusing to some because it looks like Christ did not come to bring peace; but He came to bring peace.  In His birth, the angels proclaimed, “Peace to men upon earth.”  This portion of Scriptures would seem as though it was saying the opposite.  This is not true.  When it says that He came to cast fire upon the earth, many will say, “He is going to destroy the earth with fire.”  This is not what fire is for.   Fire, out of control and out of discipline destroys; but fire controlled properly does good.  It brings warmth; it cooks food; it separates the bad from the good in metal wherein the purity is brought out, that which is valuable.  It is not destructive, and yet some people would look at this and say, “Oh, He is going to destroy the earth by fire.  He is going to purify the earth by fire.”
If you know God, He is not one for destruction. He is one for restoration.   He is one for purification.  This is why He sent Christ to come to us.  He came to bring peace, but His truth will cause division.
The gospel says that the young people will be against the older people.  Father against son; son against father; mother against daughter; daughter against mother; mother-in-law against daughter in-law.  In every case, it was the elders against the younger ones because in too many cases, the elders have not prepared their children properly.  No discipline; no training. Scriptures says to train up a child in the way that he will go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  But it also says that if we are not disciplined, we are not legal children.
Today, many children are not disciplined so therefore, we will find eventually the division in the family.  It is not Christ who came to bring division because the elders are morally trained and inclined than the younger ones.  The young ones think everything is okay, so we have the division.
The home is vital in preparing a child.  The things around us will not affect the child if he has been prepared properly in the home.  The home is important; the home is that core that makes the family what it is supposed to be.  The family need not be afraid of what is going around in the world or in the culture.  If the family is trained properly, the culture will not affect them. Too sad, in many families, the father doesn’t train his children.  The mother doesn’t do her part; and so therefore, when the children are older, they divide from their parents.  They don’t agree.  They say, “My parents are too old to understand.”
This is what Jesus is saying: the necessity of preparation; of knowing and recognizing what is going on and addressing it. It is not just throwing up our hands and saying, “Culture is so terrible.  Society is going wild.”  Yes, it may be, but it doesn’t have to affect.  It doesn’t have to affect your family if you have been trained in the things of God and in the provision of God.
In Jeremiah, he was warning Judah of what was taking place.  He was speaking loudly about the principles of God, sharing with them that they have left those principles.  Scriptures says, “They forgot My way because of Baal.”   Baal, in the Hebrew language, is symbolic of demons.  Having a capital letter on it would mean that it is probably the chief of the source of deception, false truth.”  This was what Jeremiah was fighting against.   Again, God said, “My Name is like fire purifying like a hammer that it crushes so that the purification can come out and that which God has given to us can be made manifest.”  In Hebrews, it says, “Lay aside all encumbrances which so easily entangle you.  Run the race.  Eyes fixed on Jesus."
A moment ago, the dance, the music was “Jesus With Skin On.”  This was the incarnation of God. God became flesh and dwelt among us for a purpose.  There was a reason for His coming.  There was a reason He was speaking to us so loudly and so importantly about and yet, in most of our lives, we have not listened to what He would care to share with us.
I would pray that you hear God speak to us.  In John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”  Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning.”  Here, we find the very essence of all that God has ever done.  It is tied into the coming of Christ, into the identification of His Word. The value of that which He has given to us and that is provided for us.
John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  Christ coming, becoming flesh, being what we are, identifying with us for a purpose.  More than just a purpose, He was setting a standard for our lives.   He was encouraging us to realize the love of God, the grace of God, and the mercy of God.  How that God intended us to rise victoriously.  It is not to be subject to the things around us.
Genesis 1 says that He gave to us dominion and authority over all things on the earth.  It was not that we would be subject to the things around us.  The things around us were to be subject to us.  They were to be under our dominion; they were to be under our control; but we have pulled back not understanding the provision of God, not understanding the work of God, not understanding the plan of God.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  Christ is pouring His divinity into all human nature. In Peter’s writing, “By His stripes, we were healed.”  This relationship that was established in the creation, when God breathed His breath into the dust, and became a living soul, that relationship was restored by Christ.  His stripes healed us.  It brought us back into the relationship with the Father, into the oneness with the Father.  He ‘tabernacled’ with us; He dwells in us.
“Full of grace and truth.”  Here is where we are going to find the truth.  Here is where we are going to know the times because when Christ is dwelling within us, when His provision and His life is in us, we will know what is going on around us.  We will be alert to the circumstances.  We will not be deceived, but we will be aware of and be enlightened by.
John 1:4, "In Him was life, and that life was the light of man."  Light means things are no longer hidden from you, but wisdom and understanding and knowledge are being revealed to us.    When Christ comes into our lives, when He is there with us, we are no longer deceived.  We are no longer held in darkness.  We are no longer in bondage, but that light shines into us and it brings new hope and provision to us.
John 1:9 says that light enlightens every man.  This is the provision of God in our lives.  This is the gift of God.  This is the grace of God.  This is His mercy in each of us.  No longer lost, no longer confused, no longer deceived.  This light dwells within us.  “For in Him, the fullness we have received and grace and upon grace.”
How does this become ours?  How does this become alive in us?  How does this become like “Jesus with skin on”?  When our thoughts are of Jesus and our mind is set on the ways and the principles of Christ and the very essence of all that He is,  John 8:31 says, “If you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth will shall  make you free.”
The Word, the provision of God, this is Christ Himself. When He comes into our lives, He becomes a living reality to us. It sets our course and our direction.  It helps us understand what is going on around us.  We can identify the times.  We can identify the circumstances, the situations, and with the wisdom that it brings to us, we know how to correct things that are not what they are to be.  We understand because of His Word coming into our lives.   As we meditate on it, as we allow it to become what we are, we, then, become what He is.  We become like Him because we have brought into our being what He has set and what He is in His own life. He brings this to us.
John 15:7 says, “Abide in My Word.  If My Word is in you, and My Word has become flesh through you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done for you.”   Sometimes, we wonder why our prayers are not answered.  Sometimes, we wonder why are pleads are not met.  Why?  Is the Word abiding in us?  Has it become what we are?  Are we living it out?  Can we literally say that, “As Christ was, so am I in this world?”
This is what Scriptures says to us, “As He is, so are we in this world.”  It comes only because we spend time meditating upon His Word.  Letting that Word become alive in us.  So alive in us that it brings forth, through us, the very essence of Christ, the very being of Christ.  We will not be Christ, but we will be like Him. We will be in His image before the world. The world will see Him like much they saw Christ when He was incarnate in the flesh.  They will see that through our lives, there comes forth that ability to bring answers, to bring peace, to bring joy, and to bring hope instead of despair.
Are we looking for this?  Are we spending our time bringing into our lives the very principles of Christ so that we can live them out?  So that we think them?  So that we know the very place we are now?  That we understand the times and we understand how to prepare for the times?
We spend time looking for other things.  We spend time trying to find about problems.  We want gossip about people. We go through all these things rather than being Christ in the flesh. We have become deceptive; almost in the realm of evil because in our hearts, we judge, we condemn, we put people down rather than reaching out as Christ did lifting them up, bringing healing and restoration because that was what He was.  This was His life and this was the very essence of His whole being.
Christ came not to judge, but to save, to redeem, to restore, and to forgive. This is what Christianity is.  This is what we are to be – abiding in Him and His Word abiding in us.   Do we know His Word?  Do we spend time studying His Word? Do we spend as much time studying His Word as we do studying in the Internet or in Facebook, putting those things in our hearts that we find ourselves discouraged, depressed, anxious, jealous or angry because of what we put in?
If we put the words of Christ, out of our very being will flow rivers of living water.  As we drink of that water which He gives to us, He says, “Out of us will spring forth rivers of water.”  Not just trickles, but rivers, water that brings hope and cleansing and life to mankind.
Colossians 1:27 says, "Christ in you the hope of glory.” The Word in you.   Christ and the Word are synonymous.  They are the same because the Word represents Christ, and as we assimilate that into our flesh, into our minds, into our being, we, then, begin to live it out.  As we begin to live it out, we change from glory to glory into His image.  We begin to see things as Christ would see them.  We begin to act as Christ would act in situations.  We would be bringing peace; we would be bringing joy; we would be bringing forgiveness; we would be bringing restoration to mankind because Christ is alive in us.
This is what it is to be.  This is what the Eucharist is all about.  The body and blood of Christ is being brought to us that we become like Him.  What we eat, we become. We are to be this; we can no longer find ourselves focusing upon the things around us.  Those things don’t control us.  Those things don’t hold us down.  All of creation was created by God for our benefit.  It was not created to control us or to put us down or to limit us.  It was there to strengthen us.  It was there to lift us up, to bless us, to feed us and to strengthen us to do the work that God has given to us.
Today, we find all the things around us control us.  We find that they are our limitations and we can’t do things because of this and that.  We are bound and put in slavery to these things, when in reality, God says, “No, all dominion is yours.  All things upon the earth are under your dominion.”    This is how He created us.
For some reason, we have lost the insight of that because the Word is not deeply entrenched within us.  When the Word is deeply entrenched within us, when our thoughts reflect the thoughts of Christ, when they are thoughts that reflect the ways of God, the whole imagery of that which is around us will change. We will not see it as a threat; we will not see it as intimidation; we will not see it as punishment.  We will see it as that which brings us closer to the kingdom of God and to the provision of God.  His Word becoming one in us; we, becoming one with Him, because of that.  It will stop the families from the divisions.  It will stop the problems of the world when the Church becomes to live out the life of Christ.
Hebrews tells us to set your eyes upon Him. Run the race. Keeping your eyes upon Him, knowing Him, having His Word hidden within you, so deeply entrenched that it brings out the provision and the hope that we look for that life can be a blessing.  Life can be joyful.  Life can be filled with understanding.
1Timothy1:1 says, “Christ is our hope.”  Hebrews 12 tells us that Christ is the Author and the Perfecter of faith.   He has given to us faith.  He is the One who created faith.  He is the Author of that faith. He causes that faith to be perfect. In our lives, that faith can rise when we have His Word hidden within us.  It will rise to a place of perfection.  It will rise to a place wherein we are walking as God would want us to walk.
Ephesians 5:15, “Be careful how you walk.”  Walking in that Word that He has given to us; speaking of Christ and of the Church.  This is what it brings to us.  We see this according to His guidance.  We see things according to His understanding.  We see things according to the way He has created them to function, so that when we find that we have done the things the way of God, they work well in our lives.  It causes our lives to bring forth greatness.
I had my automobile checked, and they said to me, “The coils that you have in your car are not the quality that should not be in your car.  It is causing your automobile to have a vibration. If we will put the proper coils in the care, you will have a smooth operation of your automobile.” Putting the proper things into that which it was created to bring forth brings forth perfection.
Faith in your life, the Word of God in your life will bring out that which God intended it to bring out.  Like Adam, you will be able to walk in the cool of the evening talking with God.  The relationship will be so close; there will not be a question in your mind. There will not be that lack of understanding because His Word is deeply entrenched within you. His Word is given to us to guide us.
His Word is a manual of life.  It shares with us those things that He has created to be brought forth in us, and yet we ignore them.  We set them aside; we don’t pay attention to them.  We spend more time in other things.  We spend more time in the universities, in the school, in our business and in other areas, but how much time do we listen to Him?   How much time do we give Him time to speak to us?  To communicate with us?  Have I hidden His Word in my heart that I might not sin against Him?
This is what the Scripture says to us.  We are members of His Body.  Are we functioning as He would?  Are we living out who He is?  Is the world seeing Him in all that we do?  Is it speaking loudly in the darkness?  In the confusion?  In the hurt and in the pain?  In the midst of rebellion, is it coming forth as to who is the Lord and Life in us?
We are to be a witness to the greatness of God.   We are to bring forth His life.  Jesus with skin on – that is you; that is me. We are to be like Him.  We are to open the doors.  We are to bring back life to the world.  As Mary gave birth to Christ, so are we to give birth to Christ in our lives and to the things we live out every day. Our words, our thoughts, our actions are to be like Him. When that is within us, the world will see Christ in us, the hope of glory.  They will want what we have.
May we recognize Christ to us.  As it becomes alive, as it becomes flesh, now, it is the answer to the world.  It is the answer to circumstances and situations.   May we give Him that attention in our lives.  May we focus upon Him.  May we allow Him to speak to us.  May His words become precious to us.  May His principles guide us in everything that we do.  May His love, His forgiveness be lived out in our lives.  May we give glory, praise, and honor to Him.
Christ, His Word in you, the hope of glory!




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