Martes, Setyembre 10, 2013

News from Taizé!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News from Taizé 

Friday 6 September 2013
  • Taizé: Echos from the summer
  • Syria: A Day of Fasting and Prayer
  • South Sudan: Some news following the visit of one of the brothers
  • Strasbourg: The preparation team on their way to Alsace and Ortenau
  • For the Diary
  • Prayer

Taizé: Echos from the summer

In August, there were even more visitors than in July. During the largest week of the year the Church of Reconciliation, along with its extensions, was not big enough to accommodate everyone. Some of the brothers went to pray with those who couldn’t get in, in one of the big tents next to the church which was linked to the main church by audio relay.
Among the prominant visits, Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Unity of Christians in Rome, visited the hill for several days and met with the community, volunteers and young people from various different countries. Bishop Fischer, of the Protestant Church of Baden, was also in Taizé to talk about the preparations for the up-coming European Meeting in Strasbourg.
During one of his meeting with the young people Brother Alois spoke about the memory of Brother Roger. At several points during the summer he also came back to the theme of the gathering "towards a new solidarity" which will take place in August 2015. The next edition of the news by email will be dedicated to exploring this theme in more depth.

Syria: A Day of Fasting and Prayer

On Saturday, Christians throughout the world, believers from other faiths and all those who seek peace have been invited by Pope Francis to spend the day in fasting and prayer for the people of Syria and for peace in the world. In Taizé, the brothers and the 1500 people spending the week here will take part with a very simple meal at midday and a prayer vigil in the evening, in unity especially with those suffering from violence in Syria and elsewhere in the world.

South Sudan: Some news following the visit of one of the brothers

"Nearly one million refugees from the civil war have returned to South Sudan since it became independent two years ago. They came up the Nile by barge and were then transported by truck. Natives of the region, most have never actually lived there. They were born in the north in the camps around Khartoum. [...]"

Strasbourg: The preparation team on their way to Alsace and Ortenau

At the invitation of, and working together with, the Christian Churches of Alsace and Baden, the community is preparing the 36th European Meeting which will take place in Strasbourg from 28 December 2013 to 1 January 2014. The European Meeting takes place once a year in a large city of Europe in order to encourage young adults to get involved in the life of their local Church as well as their city, town, village or neighbourhood.
Several pages are already on-line with practical information about how to take part in the Strasbourg Meeting, follow the preparation through Social Networks, and register online.

For the Diary

  • Alsace and Ortenau: Some brothers from the community along with fifteen young volunteers and several Sisters of St. Andrew will be setting up their welcome centre in the centre of Strasbourg starting from 15 September. The centre is at 5 rue du Parchemin, Strasbourg. People are welcome to come and join them for prayer, there in the centre, from Tuesday to Saturday at 1.15pm and on Sundays at 8pm at the church of Saint Pierre le Vieux. A special website in French and German has been set up specifically aimed at those living in the welcome zone. Two pages are of particular interest: The European Meeting in 12 Questions (FrenchGerman); and the online accommodation form for people who want to host young participants during the meeting (FrenchGerman).
  • Korea: A pilgrimage for peace and reconciliation will take place in the border zone between North and South Korea on Saturday 14 September. Young Catholics and Protestants from the South will spend the day walking together along the border north west of Seoul, accompanied by one of the brothers of Taizé. The pilgrimage will be punctuated by moments of prayer with songs from Taizé and moments of silence. Gathering already on Friday evening in Seoul city centre, young people from various Christian churches will share together on the theme of reconciliation and celebrate a prayer around the cross.
  • Ukraine: On the eve of the opening of the "Dormition Conferences" in Kiev, led by the team of the Saint Clement Centre, one of the brothers will be visiting the Sisters of Mother Theresa in the city along with a group of young people. This will be followed by Evening Prayer and a meeting at St Mikola’s Greek-Catholic church, in the Podyl district of Kiev.
  • Taizé: In the last few weeks an exhibition on the theme of "Circle Colours" has been installed in the space where the brothers’ work is on sale. This temporary exhibition brings together paintings and collages by Brother Stephen and will continue through the autumn.


God of love, we are disconcerted by the violence in Syria and elsewhere in the world. So we turn to you - you do not let us give in to discouragement. You bring us to understand that our prayer and our compassion count. Be close to those who are suffering and send your Holy Spirit, that all humans may be inspired to make signs of peace.

Taizé website:

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