for the
(July 1, 2015. Wednesday)
Readings from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer
Exodus 12:21-27 or 24:3-8 / Psalm 40 or 116 / Hebrews 9:11-15 or 12:18-19 and 22-24, or I Peter 1:17-21 or I John 5:4-8 / Mark 14:12-16 and 22-26 or 15:16-20, or Luke 22:39-44 or John 19:31-37
Readings for the Pauline/Vatican II Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Exodus 12:21-27 or 24:3-8 / Psalms 40:2+4ab, 7-8a, 8b-9 and 10 or 116:12-13, 15+16bc and 17-18 / Hebrews 9:11-15 or 12:18-19 and 22-24, or I Peter 1:17-21 or I John 5:4-8 / Mark 14:12-16 and 22-26 or 15:16-20, or Luke 22:39-44 or John 19:31-37
Readings for the Tridentine Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Introit: Revelations 5:9-10 and Psalm 89:1
Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-15
Gradual and Alleluia: I John 5:6-8 and 9
Tract: Ephesians 1:6-8 and Romans 3:24-25
John 19:30-35
Communion Antiphon: Hebrews 9:28
For today’s FEAST let us meditate on this 4th century A.D. Homily:
From the Sermon of John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople from the year 398 to the year 404 A.D.
(Homilia 84. in Joannem, cap. 19.)
Wouldest thou hear the power of the Blood of Christ? Then let us look at the figure thereof, let us call to mind the old type, and tell the story written in the ancient Scriptures. The Egyptians would not let God take away Israel His firstborn, And Moses said Thus saith the Lord About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt, and all the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne unto the first-born of the maid-servant that is behind the mill, and all the first-born of beasts. And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it any more. But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast that ye may know how that the Lord hath put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. Ex. xi. 4-7. Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families and kill the Passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts with the blood.. and when He seeth the blood upon the lintel and on the two side-posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. xii. 21-23. And could the blood of a sheep save a man Yea, in good sooth not because it was blood, but because it represented in a figure the Blood of the Lord.